Beer Travelers

Ski Resorts

Nothing against a hot toddy nor mulled wine, or even hot cider for that matter, but it can’t be a

Twin Cities

Winter Festival, January 27-February 6, 2011. “In 1885, a New York reporter described Saint Paul as ‘another Siberia, unfit for


Mondial de la Bière, June 8-12, 2011. Bouchard and Co. are smart to produce this in the summer. Going on


The Great Alaska Beer & Barley Wine Festival, January 14-15, 2011. The fest, says Roberts, brings virtually every spread-out brewery

Flying North for the Winter

If there’s anything we’ve learned from National Geographic, it’s that animals migrate south for the winter. But we’re neither geese

Durango, Colorado

Skiing: Purgatory (despite the name change, nobody calls it Durango Mountain Resort) offers over 2,000 feet of vertical for all

Flagstaff, Arizona

Watersliding: If you’re going to tackle several trails, pick up Cosmic Ray’s 50 Favorite Hikes: Flagstaff & Sedona (available all

Jackson, Wyoming

White Water Rafting: The Snake River can be run as early as May and as late as October. The mostly

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