The Art of Beer Presentations

Increase your beer knowledge with these in-depth presentations hosted by industry professionals. Admission is included with your World Beer Festival ticket, so grab a seat, have some beer and learn something new. The presentations will include samples of beer and the opportunity for questions after the presentations are finished.



Ashley BowerAn Introduction to Sour Beers
Presentation by Ashley Bower
1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Whether you’re a sour beer fanatic or have never had a sour beer, you’ll want to attend this introduction to sour, wild and funky beers. As you sample, Ashley Bower will walk you through how the beers are made and what to expect from them. Joining Bower for a panel discussion will be Shawn Johnson from Birds Fly South Ale Project in Greenville, Ryan Coker from Revelry Brewing Co. and Cameron Reed from Edmund”s Oast (both in Charleston).

Ashley Bower is a Certified Cicerone, certified beer judge, and the co-founder of the South Carolina chapter of Girls Pint Out. She is also a sales representative for Rafa Distributing and on the board of the Midlands Craft Beer Supporters, which produces Soda City Suds Week.



Brook Bristow of Bristow Beverage LawThe State of Beer in South Carolina
Presentation by Brook Bristow
2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

With as quickly as the South Carolina beer scene moves, it can be hard to stay up-to-date. In this presentation, Brook Bristow will give us a rundown of the state of beer in South Carolina — from legislation, economics, new breweries, beer culture and more.

Brook Bristow has practiced law since 2007, and is the owner and founder of Bristow Beverage Law.