All About Beer Magazine educates beer lovers about beer quality and beer appreciation.”

  • Drink in moderation
  • Take frequent breaks to eat
  • Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages

We welcome those who are interested in sampling high quality beers in a safe environment. Our fans do not try to, nor do we permit them to overindulge. We encourage them to safely monitor their intake in a fun, friendly, educational setting.

Brewers from around the world and our educated volunteer staff provide two ounce samples of the finest, freshest beer. The brewers and our volunteer crew are encouraged to talk about the beer with patrons as they provide samples. We promote eating while drinking so we always recruit an eclectic variety of local restaurants for you to enjoy while sampling these world-class beers. All About Beer Magazine organizes educational presentations and tastings on topics such as beer and cheese pairings, a lesson on different styles, a tour through English Ales, plus many others. Available at the All About Beer Magazine booth are educational materials including free copies of the magazine, their official Beer Lover’s Cookbooks, Beer and Your Health brochures from the National Beer Wholesalers Association, in addition to BAC cards so patrons are aware of how much is too much to drink and drive. We offer complimentary non-alcoholic beverages to all fans; please remember to drink water in between samples.

Individual responsibility is the key to a successful event. The Charlotte Police Department and security staff is hired to insure the safety of our patrons and the community. We also make sure there are ample taxicabs waiting for participants after each session to offer a safe ride home.

As always, beer education and appreciation will be a key component of All About Beer’s Beer Quest 2016. Please help us maintain this by being responsible and well mannered at the World Beer Festival.

All About Beer Magazine Staff