(Press Release)
LONGMONT, Colo., BREVARD, N.C. & AUSTIN, Texas—The craft beer-in-a-can pioneers are hopping overseas once again to quench international thirst for Oskar Blues Brewery.
After experiencing explosive domestic growth in the past year, achieving 50-state distribution (Montana), Oskar Blues will launch in Puerto Rico, Spain, Chile, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium by the end of 2016, and in Brazil, New Zealand and Japan in early 2017.
Oskar Blues is currently available in all 50 U.S. states, Washington D.C., the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, parts of Canada and Australia.
“After launching the canned craft beer movement in the U.S. we’re ready to push boundaries around the globe.” said Chris Russell, Business Development Director of Oskar Blues. “As American craft beer travels worldwide we want to challenge the perception of cans once again.”
International Distributor Partners:
Australia – Phoenix Beers
Belgium – AmeriCraft
Brazil – The Beer Concept Trading Company
Canada (British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario) – TruCraft (AFIC)
Chile – Global Craft
Ireland – Grand Cru
Japan – Global Craft and Nagano Trading
Luxembourg – AmeriCraft
New Zealand – Global Craft
Puerto Rico – Craft Beer Distributors of Puerto Rico
Spain – Crusat
Sweden – Great Brands
The Netherlands – AmeriCraft
UK – Vertical Drinks Ltd
In 2015, the brewery achieved over 30 percent growth in year-over-year sales and is forecasted to surpass 215,000 BBLS in 2016. This year was highlighted with the opening of a 50,000 square foot brewery in Austin, Texas and a 21,000 square foot expansion in Brevard, North Carolina; doubling its capacity. The continued growth includes the collaborative addition of Cigar City Brewing in Florida, 92% increase in production of Michigan’s Perrin Brewing Company and the expansion ofOskar Blues‘ ancillary brand offerings including B. Stiff & Sons Old Fashioned Sodas, Oskar BluesFooderies, Hotbox Roasters and REEB Cycles.
To learn more about Oskar Blues, visit www.oskarblues.com.
About Oskar Blues Brewery
Founded by Dale Katechis in 1997 in Lyons, Colorado, Oskar Blues Brewery launched the craft beer-in-a-can apocalypse with their hand-canned, flagship brew Dale’s Pale Ale. Today, Oskar Blues is one of the fastest growing breweries in the country and operates breweries in Longmont, Colorado and Brevard, North Carolina, and now Austin, Texas, while producing 192,000 barrels in 2015. The original canned craft brewery continues push innovation with creations like The Crowler, Hotbox Coffee Roasters, B. Stiff & Sons Old Fashioned Sodas, Oskar Blues Fooderies, and REEB Cycles.Oskar Blues is available in all 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., parts of Canada, Puerto Rico Sweden, Spain, Chile, the Netherlands, Belgium, the U.K., Ireland and Australia.
In 2013, Oskar Blues founded the CAN’d Aid Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity that offers grassroots grants to those making a difference in the areas of community, the environment, music, and more. In 2015 alone, CAN’d Aid partnered with 52 organizations and provided nearly $400,000 in charitable contributions, bringing the total amount raised $1.9 million to date. CAN’d Aid’s “do-goodery” efforts include:
Towns – building strong communities
Tunes – for your eyeholes and earholes
Treads + Trails – get outside and get after it
Love Yur Mama – save the blue marble
To keep up with all things Oskar Blues, visit http://www.oskarblues.com.