All About Beer Magazine - Volume 37, Issue 1
February 28, 2016 By John Holl

The Beer and Food Companion by Stephen BeaumontThe Beer & Food Companion
By Stephen Beaumont
$35, Jacqui Small

Before we arrive at the food, there is a history lesson in which the author, with a rich wealth of information and experience, focuses on the global drinking culture and food traditions. This gives a much-needed dose of knowledge to those who rarely look beyond the U.S. for beer inspiration. Beautifully photographed, printed on strong stock, and clear with the voice of a well-traveled writer. While there are nearly two dozen represented, this is not a recipe book, but rather an engaging textbook. Savor the information and, by the time you get to the ambitious recipes at the back of the book, you’ll have all the confidence required to savor a memorable meal.

John Holl
John is the editor of All About Beer Magazine and the author of three books, including The American Craft Beer Cookbook. Find him on Twitter @John_Holl.