I’ve got a great deal with the best lawyer in the Southeast. Fred Hutchison specializes in the sort of work we need to grow our business, helping get us to where we are today. He’s been there helping us with more than one sticky wicket.
Aside from the usual compensation, what the good folks at Huthison Law like is beer. Imagine that! A couple times a year I get to stand up in front of the legal crew, including a few other clients, and talk about what I like to talk about, beer.
Here’s what went on two weeks ago:
Altbier, Southampton Public House, Southhampton, NY. This was a treat both in flavor and in story. Telling the altbier history always piques an audience’s interest, and this beer with its amber color and fruity nose filled in the tale.
Two Hearted Ale, Bells Brewing Co., Comstock, MI. This is my latest jag, Centennial hops. I fell in love with this beer a few months back and have been exploring its attraction to me and most of my gang. All I can figure is the pineyness of the hop finish. Lovely.
Torpedo, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., Chico, CA. A wonderful gem of a beer, very interesting when paired with Two Hearted. The audience split down the middle on these two between the grapefruit citric Sierra and the earthy piney Bells.
Christmas Ale, Anchor Brewing Co., San Francisco, CA. From my stash, this was the 2006 version, which still tasted of holiday spices but not so bright and sharp. The nuttyness of the malt laid down a great background for the aged spices.
1545, New Belgium Brewing Co., Ft. Collins, CO. Okay, this is another gaffe of mine. A while back I wrote of this rare beer, a dark ale, that landed on my desk. Guess what the 1545 is? A dark, Belgian ale. NBB has just opened in this market leading with Fat Tire, Mothership Wit, and this beautiful black beer. Lots of fruity flavors on the finish and dry crispness on the beginning. Very accessible and exciting.
King’s Peak Porter, Unita Brewing Co., Salt Lake City, UT. Made a mistake with the sequence of this beer following the 1545. I thought it was much bigger. It did have some of the toastiness of a good porter, with a very refreshing finish. Still, it lacked some of the body I, and many of in the audiance, expected from a porter. Note to self; taste beers before presenting them.
Oak Barrel Stout, Old Dominion Brewing Co., Ashburn, VA. This, too, came from my stash and it had gone off. I don’t know how long I’d had it, but it was a gusher. Note to self: taste all beers before bringing to an event.
The Dissident, Deschutes Brewing Co., Bend, OR. Also from my stash, this beer ranks up there on my all time exotic list. An old bruin, Flanders-style brown ale, this one fermented for 18 months and included a dosage of Brettanomyces. Earthy and sour at the same time, very complex and appealing.