Download your official Soda City Passport by clicking here!

What is the Soda City Passport? Your chance to attend events and win great prizes!


Participation is simple:

1.) Pick up a Soda City Suds Week Passport at participating retail locations, or click here to print one out now!

2.) Attend 3 (or more!) Soda City Suds Week events. Click here to view events happening during Soda City Suds Week!

3.) Enter your information on the passport and have it initialed after each event. Turn it in at your last event. (If you attend 6 or more events, we will enter you twice!)

4.) Check your email for updates – we will notify all winners via email after Soda City Suds Week is complete.

Click here to find out more.


Paint your own beer art! Join All About Beer Magazine Beer_Coverduring Soda City Suds week for a night of great beer and fun at River Rat Brewery.

When: Thursday March 26th, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: River Rat Brewery (1231 Shop Rd.)

What: Paint All About Beer Magazine‘s newest cover (shown on the right). River Rat Brewery will have a food truck on site, but feel free to bring your own snacks. Staff from Studio Cellar will be on hand to walk you through the entire process! Your first beer is included with your ticket!

Price: $45 (includes canvas, art supplies and your first pint of River Rat beer!)

