It's My Round

The Inheritance of Beer

“Look!” I cried, “The Cardinal’s back! It must be the black oil sunflower seed that I put in the feeder!”

Drink, Memory

As a children’s librarian, I read hundreds of picture books to kids every year. Once a month or so, I

On Leading a Double Life

I come from the land of light ales. It took me three decades to realize this, and when I say

The Transitional Beer

Perhaps, as an enlightened beer drinker, you have a collection of like-minded associates who anxiously anticipate every new release or

Beer Changes Lives

Beer has been an integral part of my life for over three decades—a somewhat auspicious statement for a slightly past

The One Beer

If you look deep enough into every beer lover’s history, you will find a single beer that led to a

My beer summit…with beer

According to the American Dialect Society, “tweet” was the word of the year in 2009. It beat other luminaries, such

It All Hinged on a Pint!

As it happens, I have been standing “ankle deep” in beer for most of my adult life. I started in

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