Weyerbacher last chance ipaLast Chance IPA

Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

Easton, PA

Type of Beer: IPA

ABV: 5.9%

Take a sip during the ball countdown and you’re leaving the year on a positive note. This golden, almost orange, cloudy ale is generously hopped with several varieties, giving a juicy aroma of pine, grapefruit and burnt orange peel. It has a mild biscuity sweetness, with grapefruit pith. A sticky mouthfeel makes this a solid IPA. The best part about this beer is that proceeds from every sale go to benefit local animal shelters to help dogs and cats find loving homes.

This beer was reviewed by John Holl, Dustan Lilas, Lee Movic and Kelsey Roth on Dec. 5, 2014, at the Craft Beer Cellar in Belmont, MA. Photography by Peter Johnstone. Read more reviews from the tasting.