What happens when you get two top brewers from two of the most respected breweries in the world together for a conversation? It’s a masterclass on quality, innovation, and tradition as Tobias Zollo the  Head Brewmaster at the Bavarian State Brewery – Weihenstephan interviews Scott Jennings the Technical Brewmaster of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Together they have unparalleled insight into what it takes to maintain quality beer across multiple breweries with global distribution and talk about the best ways to maintain consistency while also looking to innovate for a changing beer marketplace.

Listen to the whole conversation on the Brewer to Brewer Podcast. Or Download below, or on Amazon, Overcast, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Attention brewers: registration is now open for the 2025 Best of Craft Beer Awards. This is a BJCP sanctioned competition judged by fellow brewers and industry leaders; it uses a unique set of style guidelines that champions harmonious and dynamic beers.  Held in beautiful Central Oregon, it’s the third largest professional brewing competition in North America and is an opportunity to have your hard work evaluated and rewarded. In addition to traditional and specialty beer styles, new this year is the Hop Water category. Register your beers through January 31, 2025 by visiting https://bestofcraftbeerawards.com/. Don’t delay, learn more and get your beers signed up by visiting https://bestofcraftbeerawards.com/ 

It doesn’t matter what size your brewery is. 1 barrel or 1,000. Maybe you’re in planning. Whatever the size or situation, Ollie has helped brewers save money and become more efficient. The best part? When you’re talking to the Ollie team, you’re talking to people who have worked in the industry. Learn more about Ollie and how it’s transforming breweries everywhere at getollie.com/pod.