From notable closures to openings, deep dives into beer personalities, and examining larger trends, 2024 was a busy year for beer. As its done since 1979 All About Beer chronicled all areas of the beer industry.

Be sure to check out the end of the year episode of Drink Beer, Think Beer podcast for 2024 as well as the All About Beer Podcast’s salute to the past year.

Keep up with the news and the conversation by connecting with All About Beer on our social media channels including InstagramFacebookBluesky, and Threads.

Here are some of our favorite articles from 2024.

The Lord Hobo Bar is Dead 

Once popular Cambridge, Massachusetts beer bar to change name, owner facing lawsuits, bar for sale. Article by Andy Crouch.

Wayne Wambles Launches a New Brand and Buys N.C. Brewery

UpCountry Brewing in Brevard will be home to his Griffon & Sphynx brand. Article by John Holl.

From Fresno to Famous: Alex Kidd Brings Life To Beer

Facing health issues, the notorious podcaster and beer reviewer reflects on life, laughs, and his legacy. Article by Andy Crouch.

How One Candy Bar Became a Beer Industry Icon

Diving into the origin of The Salted Nut Roll a sweet and salty brewers’ treat. Article by Grace Weitz.

On Hiatus: Why Homebrew Con was Cancelled for 2024

Homebrewing has been a source of passionate online chatter over the last week after the American Homebrewers Association announced it would put its annual Homebrew Con on “hiatus” in favor of smaller events and demonstrations located within the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Article and podcast by John Holl

New Research into Biotransformation

New research into biotransformation is causing brewers to reexamine how they use hops, how they choose malts and how they ferment. Podcast by Don Tse and Em Satuter

The Sober Truth: Most Non-Alcoholic Beer Isn’t Great

Non-alcoholic beer is the rising star of the beverage world, growing like crazy and featured in countless adoring articles and splashy television segments. There’s just one problem: most of it leaves you wishing you had just stuck with water. Column by Andy Crouch.

Grain Dust Danger: A Conversation about Brewery Safety

A few weeks back Dave Haydysch of Lonerider Brewing began posting shots of himself on social media in the hospital after being admitted for breathing problems. It turns out it was exposure to grain dust that landed him there.  This was a new experience for the long-time brewer. Podcast by John Holl.

Now on the Menu: Chicha Finds an Audience with Modern Beer Drinkers

With its alluring purple hue and adventurous spirit, this traditional indigenous beverage could be right at home in modern craft beer culture. Article by Jerard Fagerberg.

On the Hunt for Berliner Weisse in its Birthplace

Only a handful of breweries in Berlin have the style on offer. Article by Adrian Tierney Jones.

For original articles or to read the vast archives check out All About Beer.  Follow us on Instagram @allaboutbeer. Support Journalism by visiting our Patreon Page.